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7 Robots You Need in Your Life Right Now!

Let's be honest. The Jetsons and Star Wars make robots a ridiculous concept. Those are characters created for pure entertainment purposes. The reality, however, is much different. The future of robots is more akin to 'Blade Runner' or 'Better Than Us.' Robot technology is advancing exponentially. But we don't have to wait that long to get there. Robots are already a reality, and you can implement them in your life today. Here are five robots you need in your life right now. Robot companions It's no secret that people today love company. Friends can help keep us grounded and provide unconditional love. However, having a friend in the age of COVID and busy lives can be downright impossible. That's why it's so important to have robots as friends. It's the perfect solution to our busy, siloed lives. In addition, some robots can be programmed to do a host of tasks, including: Feed your pet Take care of your home by cleaning up messes, cooking food, wa